Thursday, July 7, 2011

Emily calls

Thanks to the magic power of the internet and telephones, I had a Skype conversation with Emily just now. It was great to hear from her. She sounds a little down - they still haven't found good friends where they moved to, but she's got some folks to talk to and their baby has people to play with. And she's pregnant again! I'm so excited. It's a great thing - they're really great parents. She's coming back in October for a few weeks, so I'm going to make seeing her a priority.

Whenever I get a little jealous of her life - married, kids, living overseas, good job - I remember that life is rough wherever you are. All those things are tough, and she's just doing the best with what she's got. So I've got a different life, so what! We all knew I would. I wasn't destined for normalcy.

So what am I destined for? I don't know. But one thing it will involve is travel. I'd like to go out and see her, but it's around $2,500 to fly out, and I just don't have that kind of money. So we'll see. Maybe I'll suck it up and put it on my credit card and go see her next year while she's on maternity leave. I miss her so much.

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