Saturday, August 27, 2011

Little girl lost

Am I manic or is my sleep schedule just off? Am I depressed or just stressed out about this decision to go back to school? I think it's just stress, really. I can't sleep during the night, but I take naps all day. I don't know what it is. Maybe the night driving really screwed me up. Who knows. Could be anything.

I am awake, though, and done with my online shopping. I checked out school and the requirements for my masters again and found a class I was supposed to sign up for but didn't know about. I just signed up and emailed the professor that I can't make the first day of class because I have to work. It's, of course, scheduled for all the three days I thought I didn't have classes and could work, so now my work schedule is going to be screwy. I hope they don't fire me. I just can't open the store anymore. But I can work from 10:30am on, so that should be ok. I hope.

The other two jobs haven't started yet, and it seems like one is going to be funny. They keep rescheduling, so I don't think they are going to want to work when it's snowy, either. I bet it's going to be really random whether I will work or not. I hate random. I like a schedule. But it looks like my life is going to be random for the next few years. I don't know what any of it will look like.

I'm meeting with my adviser on Monday to discuss my path. I hope he can give me some more insight into what I should be doing. I'm a little lost right now.

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