Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Retroactive Arrest

They can't arrest you for drunk driving if it's been a long time, right? I suppose I could have gotten an open container ticket up until about 5 minutes ago. See, that's when I had a little too much energy at work (must be all the diet Coke) and stepped outside to clean up my car.

I found the usual stuff: receipts, a corsage from Yelp prom, my dog's blanket, etc. And then I reached for my water bottle, which is in a cup holder in my door. "I'll wash this out," I thought to myself. And then I said, "Self, what's that sticky shit on the top?" As I slowly unscrewed the bottle and it hissed out a steam of beer, I remembered: margabeer.

Now, a margabeer is a fascinating concoction: take one can of lime aide or canned frozen lime juice and pour it into a pitcher. Take that can and fill it with tequila. Then add about 5 really cheap shitty beers (preferably Coors) to the pitcher and mix. Voila! A margarita beer. Simple, inexpensive, and invariably fucks you up. Just one and you've got the buzz.

Well, a month or so ago, my buddies and I all got together to make margabeers. I can't remember where we were, I think at Rebecca's house in the WC. It's hot out there, and you need a margabeer by the pool. So we mixed up a few pitchers, and on my way out the door to drive the 30 minutes home, I poured myself another one for the road.

From the mess it made in the parking lot, I expect I only got about 3/4 of the way through with it before I got home and completely forgot that it was there. Usually, that SIGG is filled with water for my post boozing rides home, or for playing hockey in the fall. Not so much.

So into the sink at work it went, and now it's full of purified water from the awesome bottle system. Next time I go to reach for it, there's no way I'm getting pulled over.

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