Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Made a decision

"The other two words that are important to understand are the words WILL and LIVES. The words "will" and "lives" are concepts way over our head and are way too large to relate to or comprehend. But these words can be better understood by explaining that our will is our thinking and what motivates us, and that our life is all the actions that we've taken up to this moment. So the Third Step can then be reworded as saying that I decide to take the actions necessary to turn my motivations, my thinking, and my actions over to the care of God as I understand Him." -Barefootsworld.net

I like looking up stuff, like how other people understand the steps. If it weren't almost midnight, I would probably call another alcoholic to see how they took step three. As a lot of literature says, it's not that we turned it over, it's that we made a decision to turn it over. You don't have to do it all at once, right this very moment.

So let's make this decision, Anne. Let's decide right now that you really don't have control, that something else does, and that maybe, just maybe, He can help. He can take control of our lives and the outcome of situations. Let this decision color your world.

Ok, God. You got it. I know I've made my life unmanageable; out of control. So I'm making a decision. It's your turn, now. You show me the way, and I'll take it. What's that you're saying? Go to bed and stop writing posts? Good idea.

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