Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Your eyes give you away

I found another article that might be helpful to you guys. "...retinal deficits may contribute to the perceptual problems associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder."

Visual perception, which is often altered in us crazies anyway, can actually be an indicator of a schizophrenia or bipolar. Our eyes may actually be different from other people's.

When I'm manic, my friends say I look "coked up." My eyes get bug-eyed, like I'm straining to see. All the colors around me get brighter and whiter, and often when psychosis starts to set in I see things in my periphery like ghosts and fairies. I know they're just hallucinations, but they can be very frightening, nonetheless.

So it may actually be that my eyes take in the world differently than people without mental illness, and this reaction is common among us. How interesting to think that one day they may be able to diagnose through our eye function.

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