Monday, August 2, 2010

AA is like a dog

Someone said tonight, AA is like a dog.

Dogs offer you something special. They'll give unconditional love to you, anytime, day or night. They know when something is bothering you, and are willing to lick your face to make you feel better. They're incredibly loyal, protecting you from things that would do you harm.

AA is like a dog, only it lasts longer. The only problem with dogs is they never out live you (unless you're super old and get a young dog).

AA offers something special, too. A place where people will love you unconditionally, and will show up in your life day and night. People in the program will stand by you in the toughest times, and everyone seems to know when you need a hug or a helping hand. AA's are loyal to you as well. You can relapse, but they're always there to help you stand back up. And the program outlives you. What you put into it and other people lasts through those people you have helped, and gets passed on to the next generation.

AA is like a dog, good and kind, loyal and loving.

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