Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cut yourself some slack

I've been hearing this a lot lately. "Cut yourself some slack, Anne. You've just taken on something huge. You don't have to have the rest of your life perfect right now. You don't have to know where you're going, just go."

I'm a bit of a perfectionist and an impatient person. I like to get things done. I like to know where I'm going and arrive there with the plan all mapped out. I like to know what's happening before it happens.

But, life gets in the way. I have no control over other people's decisions and moves, and so I have no control over the outcome of life. I just have to remember that things will turn out the way they should, and in their own time.

Perfection is a shooting star. You aim for it, and it burns out before you can focus. It's not something that stays with you. Impatience doesn't get you there any faster.

I believe in dreams. I believe in having visions of the future and reaching for what you want. Maybe I have to slow down and have what I want come to me in it's own good time.

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