Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bigger, badder drunk driving penalties

I think it's probably a proper punishment for a drunk driver to lose his/her license. I mean, you're driving a one ton weapon at other people. More often than not, you're going to make a bad judgment call and hit something/someone.

Now, California can take your license away for ten years if you have three offenses. I think it's pretty insane that you have to screw up 3 times to get your license revoked for that long. Apparently, three times is the charm. The first time, they only revoke your license for 6 months. I think that may be pretty standard, though I think my friend lost his license for a year. Wait, that was a second offense. That makes sense.

Right now, the law in CA is one year for every offense.After the fourth offense, it doesn't say what the penalty is. I bet there are a lot of folks who just drive without licenses after a fourth offense. I wonder if you get a fifth or sixth in ten years if it's just automatic jail time.

I think ten for 3 times is a gigantic jump, but probably a good penalty. If you don't learn your lesson the first two times, you're probably not going to learn it anytime soon.

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