Sunday, July 11, 2010


How do you focus on yourself without being selfish?

Adam tells me I need to focus on myself a little. Pull out the sober and examine it. I know this is part of the steps that I need to do - take the next year to really focus on me and my feelings, needs, etc. And I can do that. With the help of my therapist and my sponsor, I can do that. I have supportive friends, family, and a new network of lovely sober people to lean on.

But how do you do that without being selfish? How do you stop worrying if others are ok all the time and ask yourself if you're ok? How do you stop in a situation and ask yourself if you are doing what is best for you? Adam calls it "doing the next right thing," when you take that step that is best for you.

So what's best for me? Getting away from my mom sure was the next right step. But what comes next? Where do I need to head now? When I think about it, I know that I need to work on getting better work. I need to work on being sober, and quitting smoking. I need to not drink so many damn diet Cokes, for crying out loud. But what about the bigger picture? Where am I going?

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