Saturday, July 17, 2010

Seven saintly virtues

In Catholicism you're not all bad. God loves you, which is why He sent His son to forgive our sins. I swear, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. There's no fire and brimstone.

So, to balance out the seven deadly sins, there are seven virtues. I added the saintly part. They are: chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and yes, humility.

People are not all bad, and neither am I. I have those virtues, as well as those sins. Minus the chastity part, which I'm working on. It's like quitting smoking: it's really hard to not go out in your loneliness and find someone who will worship your body, if only for an hour. I should have been a prostitute, if the thought of it didn't make me want to cry. Sometimes I feel like I've already been one. Jesus. Now I don't even want to sleep with me.

Walking down the street at the beach with Adam, we gave a homeless kid the rest of our dinner. I know repeating your good works to others makes them not so good, but it's my blog. Every day I do charity and kind works. I work for charities, I donate money and goods each year, without the tax break, and I serve as a volunteer in a charitable organization. I've got love of your fellow man down. At least, I think. Lately, I've been a bit disgruntled. A lot of non profits are shit. They mess with their finances, and treat their employees like shit. Not all of them are like this, but I've worked in some bad atmospheres.

So, patience and humility are the two I'm working on. We've already talked a little about humility, and since it's so vital in AA, I'm sure it will come up again. Then there's patience. We've gone over that, too. I am impatient. I like things to come now. I want to be on step twelve. I want a damn spiritual awakening. I want to make amends now. I want to be on the way to peace and a better life. I just have to remember that I am already. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say, and a deeper spiritual life for me won't happen tomorrow. I'm not going to heal my inner child next week. So I need to learn patience.

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