Friday, October 22, 2010

A cure for depression?

"Gene therapy delivered to a specific part of the brain reverses symptoms of depression in a mouse model of the disease.

Many researchers believe that poor signaling of the neurotransmitter serotonin is responsible for causing depression, and common antidepressants act by increasing serotonin's concentration. "

This gene works on the serotonin receptors in the brain, binding them like antidepressants do. So is it permanent? They don't say, but that would be a neat thing. To mess with your genes until they come out "right." A cure for depression? An interesting thought. But what would the world be like without depression?

There are tons of people who are or were depressed who have made amazing contributions to this world. I mean, for crying out loud, Stephen Hawking has depression, and he's probably the smartest man in the universe, right?

Do you think you would keep your depression or have it permanently taken away? What would that be like?

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