Thursday, October 14, 2010

Always look on the bright side of life

Shifting your perspective on things can have an amazing effect on your life. When you look for the shitty stuff in life, that's what you'll see.

"But Katie suggests a subtle, but profound shift to this belief: "Everything happens for you, not to you." You can begin to see that even the painful or undesirable experiences in life are there for you to learn, to feel something different, or to help you grow and mature as a person."

Everything in life is a chance to learn. I'm learning a lot from this unemployment thing. I've learned a little patience so far, and that having the time to work on my sobriety has given me the chance to grow as a person, and grow in my spirituality. Working, I would usually make up an excuse, like I'm so tired, to not go to meetings or read at night.

I am also learning how to be dependent without it threatening my feelings as an independent woman. Just living with my parents and relying on them for a lot of things doesn't mean I'm lost and don't have opportunities. I have been able to do a lot of things, like professionally write and volunteer for organizations. I've been able to spend some time working already, and supporting myself with my savings instead of financially depending on my parents.

So shift your perspective. Everything happens for a reason, and despite how it may look, that reason usually leads to something good.

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