Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dr. Adam says

So Dr. Adam says it's bronchiospasm, which is basically a part of asthma, which is causing my cough. Here, check out the details. Apparently it's very common in athletes, especially in the cold. He (who has asthma) says I can use an inhaler beforehand, but the article says I can do simple things like put a scarf over my mouth and nose, or warm up inside before I go out to run. All things I should be doing anyway. I read the symptoms, and I definitely had them, down to the upset stomach. And I blamed it on coffee. Poor coffee. Never did me wrong.

Speaking of Dr. Adam, we had a nice little chat about how he's always telling me what to do in AA and I finally said it, "I'm not as involved because everyone keeps yelling at me and trying to tell me what to do. AA isn't fun anymore." And he said something I didn't expect. "AA is supposed to be enjoyable. You're right. Sometimes it's not fun." He suggested I find some different meetings, which would be what I'm doing could I get my ass to a meeting.

We tend to argue a lot; he even called me bull-headed and argumentative, which I am. But, he's bull-headed and argumentative, too, and he speaks louder than I do, which makes it seem like he's yelling. He'll get really loud and then stop himself, breath really deep, and then try to start over at a lower pitch. Why do I think that's cute? Jesus, I don't know, but it is.

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