Interesting article on the portrayal of crazy in women on the big screen. Asked why male audiences might be drawn to "crazy chicks," the quote was, “I think it has to do with the Sir Lancelot feeling. Men might be more attracted to someone who has a degree of helplessness: being crazy is being helpless.”

Ah, yes, weak and helpless. I hate that description. Granted, that's sure how I feel when I'm depressed: weak and useless, like I can't even raise my body out of bed. So yes, there's some grain of truth in it, but I don't have to like being seen as helpless. There are plenty of things I can and actually do do for myself, even when I'm depressed. I am never helpless, I am just sometimes useless.
What's the difference? I think helpless is not being able to fend for yourself, and useless is the act of not doing anything for yourself. I'm perfectly capable, I'm just not going to do it because I'm depressed.
Do you like being rescued? I used to rescue my mom all the time from stuff, and Adam would tag along. I remember the first time he came and helped out. My mom went missing and I had to call the police and file a report. He and my roommate Calvin decided they would stay with me. I told them to go - again, I was perfectly capable of handling the situation - but he told me no. He wanted to be there with me. I really appreciated the support. I had never had anyone help me before. From then on, he was there for a lot of the mess. I let myself become dependent on his help. I let myself become a damsel in distress.
I wonder if that was part of the draw for him. Maybe that's where he's going with this detached love bit. He's trying not to get involved and rescue me. Huh. Interesting thought.
I totally lost the thread of this post, now that I'm thinking about Adam, so you'll just have to come to your own conclusions.
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