Friday, February 4, 2011

Apparently I'm fat for my height

Following on the heels of the last post, I found a whole in depth section on obesity in America from the Washington Post. Check out the scary pictures of what's happening in your body because of fat. If you don't have an eating disorder already, this may give you one.

I have a kind of sick confession to make. I always wished I could be anorexic. We value skinny in America, even though a huge percentage of us are overweight and the average dress size for a woman is 14 (I'm an 8, but according to the health guidelines I should be 2olbs lighter and probably a 4). Really. Check out the health chart. It tells you what you should weigh for your height. So let's check it out:

I'm 5'4" with a probably medium build. According to this I should be between 124 and 138 pounds. I was 138 when I moved here, but with the depression and the Zyprexa lets say I'm probably at 150. So 12 pounds to lose, not so horrible. But to be at the lower range, 124lbs, that's almost 30 pounds. That's insane. I would be a walking skeleton at 124lbs. Who comes up with these numbers? And we wonder why so many young women (and men) have eating disorders.

I figure as long as I still allow myself to order what I feel like having instead of the thing on the menu with the lowest calories, then I'm doing ok. So we got way off topic there, but that's my story. What's yours?

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