Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

Christmas is fast on it's way. I grabbed some cards the other day, and now I need to go back to the storage facility to get my address book. I hate not having my stuff around, cause I just keep remembering more stuff I need to get. I wish all my stuff could be easily accessed. I also keep thinking about all the great foods I have in storage. Don't worry, I didn't carry a kitchen full of food, but I do have a lot of bulk foods like quinoa and barley that I wish I had access to. My dad doesn't eat so well. Well, that's not true, he just eats the same stuff daily.

I ran some hills today in preparation for my crazy marathon in March. I'm trying to prep well, and do some core work too. Today I did some sit-ups and push-ups, as well as some arm exercises. I need to work on my hips. They've been hurting when I run, and that's not so great for having to run 26.2 later.

As you can tell, I'm getting obsessed with fitness, which is good. I need to obsess over it for a while, and get back into really good shape. It wouldn't hurt to lose 10 pounds, too. I've gained about 10 in the past few months since I've been unemployed. I stopped doing Weight Watchers because I needed to save the money. Of course, I'm just spending it elsewhere. I really should cancel my tattoo in December and wait until March to do it. But I won't.

I've had two people tell me not to do it, cause they like that my shoulder tattoo stands alone. It bugs me. I want it to be combined with the back piece so it all looks like one piece. Maybe what I'll do is just connect it and wait on the sleeve.

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