Monday, January 10, 2011

Curiosier and curiousier

Something Mr. Sponsorpants said that I wanted to share. He had a REALLY crappy day the other day, and made this deal with his readers:

So here's the deal: You don't lie, and bail, or drink or use or kill yourself -- just get through the day with as much dignity and grace as you can muster -- and I'll do the same.

I think that's the best deal you can make with yourself or others. Just don't drink or use is of course super important, but there's also the other great bits of wisdom in there. Don't lie. Live by the Golden Rule: do unto others. So if you don't like being lied to, don't lie. Don't bail on plans you've made. Follow through. And don't kill yourself. It's so not worth it.

I heard someone say when they were using every day they would wake up and think, "God damnit, I'm still alive." And now, after 4 years sober, they wake up and think, "Man, I'm curious what's going to happen today." Cultivate curiosity. Find something to look forward to. Hell, make it up. Try to look forward to the sun setting every day if you can't think of anything else. Look forward to the temperature change at dusk and try to be there to feel it. Anything that gets you through the day.

So let's make a deal: Just for today, don't drink or use, don't lie or bail, and cultivate the curiosity to live with.

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