Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dog is a traitor

You know, I committed to a dog. I knew it would be 20 years or so (small dogs live forever) before he died, and I wouldn't give him back, or anything. I totally committed. And then after about 2 years I started giving him to Michael's mom for the days while I went to work. I often left him there overnight. It was like having a weekend dog. Now, my mom has kidnapped the dog. He whistles (he whistles when you come in and he missed you) for her, and not for me anymore. He jumps to her, and not to me. Traitor.

But I'm kind of glad. First, my mom really loves him and he gets more exercise than he would with me. Second, not having a dog is easier. I can have a social life now and not worry about getting home to let the dog out (if I had a social life). Moving some place will be easier.

I feel really bad about giving up the dog, and I love him and miss him, but it just makes my life easier. How selfish, I know! This is why I think I shouldn't have kids. Man, that's a big commitment. And marriage. I want to get married some day, but I'll have to deal with this character flaw first. I've wanted Adam for 7 years, but maybe it's because I can't have him? What if we got together and I got bored? I somehow don't think that would happen, because my relationship with him is so different from any other. But there's always that chance.

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