Saturday, January 29, 2011

Your food is making you depressed

What you're eating could make you depressed. Apparently, trans fats from food aren't just bad for your heart, they can cause depression, too.

"In addition, the study demonstrated a dose-response relationship, "whereby the more trans-fats were consumed, the greater the harmful effect they produced in the volunteers," the expert stated."

So where are trans fats? Everywhere. They're in cereal, pastries, fast food, some meats and dairy products, and more. I think they would be impossible to avoid, but the best way to not go overboard is to eat a vegetable based diet. Veggies don't have trans fats. Basically, stay away from processed foods.

There's so much you have to do in order to stay healthy! Don't eat this, don't eat that, meditate, exercise, don't drink, don't smoke. It's a wonder any of us can keep up! And researchers change the evil food of the week constantly. Remember when we weren't supposed to eat eggs because cholesterol was so horrible? You just can't win.

Monitoring everything I eat and do is exhausting when I'm full of energy, and incredibly impossible when I'm depressed. I suppose if I ate fast food I could just cut that out, but I don't, so here we are.

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