Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The plan 1

"The most important thing to remember is this - your symptoms have gone away BECAUSE THE MEDS ARE WORKING! It's not necessarily because you've been cured. There are no cures for a lot of these disorders. It's not your fault that you're crazy, but it is your responsibility to stay as sane as possible. You're not the only person you hurt if you really flip out."

Just like it's my responsibility to stay sober, it's my responsibility to stay sane. But Adam reminded me last night that that doesn't mean I have to go it alone. One of the most awful parts about depression is that your brain convinces you you are all alone. I have a million phone numbers in my phone, email addresses, friends on Facebook, etc., but in that moment when I was freaking out all I could think was, "There's no one I can tell." Now, is that true? No. Am I going to freak someone out? Probably. But is that ok? Probably. That's what friends are for. They're there for you in bad times, too.

Adam asked me to make a list, a personal care packet, almost. My "plan for safety." Hm. Plan. My plan is to not drink so much caffeine. I feel shitty today, but it's a different kind of shitty. I'm not buzzy, but I'm still having racing thoughts and such. They're going so fast that I'm having trouble stopping them to pull one out. It's funny, I catch myself sitting here like a schizophrenic listening to voices - staring up in the corner of my head, just waiting for the one I want to repeat.

Right. Plan. I told my dad I was feeling crappy and now all he can do is tell me to go to the gym. "You should go get those endorphins going or they're no-dorphins." Dork. He's trying. He also thinks a lot of it is just the coming off of the meds. "It's been 2 weeks, dad." "Yes, but I'm sure they're still coming out of your system. It took me a month to get all the caffeine out." How long did it take me to get the booze out? Month, two? I don't remember now, but the physical symptoms were gone much sooner than the mental. But how can you tell whether the mental symptoms you are having are because you are not on meds and your brain chemistry is crazy stew, or because you're coming down off meds? I haven't found anything good on the internet, yet, but I'll share when I do.

I still haven't given you a plan, have I? Cause I don't have one that lasts past the week. Sleep, Seroquel, work, meetings. Yeah, I'm still including meetings on there. I promised Paul I would go tomorrow and see if the woman he wants to hook me up with is there. I just learned I have to work Thursday, so no 6am womens meeting, which I'm on-and-off ok with. I should hit the 8:30 tonight after therapy, but I probably won't. I don't want to leave the house too much. I feel weird enough, and driving has been making me paranoid.

This is getting long.

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