Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Get off your butt

I have my workout clothes on. The gym is on my way home from work, and so I thought I would just wear my workout clothes and see if that motivates me to stop there on the way upstairs.

I know exercise is good for depression, but Jesus, just getting the motivation to get out of bed is hard enough. Getting dressed takes forever, and being upright this long is killing me. It's weird, though. I'm in a mixed state where I'm so depressed I want to kill myself, but my body is up and running. It's at work, stocking shelves. It can't sleep very well. But my brain is fuzz.

Know what would help? Exercise! I just need to get to the treadmill, get on, and move for 30 minutes daily. That's not so hard, is it? But then I think of the whole process and it overwhelms me. Get dressed, go downstairs, turn on treadmill, workout, go back upstairs, shower, get dressed again. That's a lot! That's a lot of time and energy.

My dad said the other day that people his age live one year longer if they exercise daily. He calculated it out, and it would take him a year and a half on the treadmill in order to live an extra year. He does it anyway, but man that just sounds silly. But how else would I use that time? Sleep, probably, which is also good for you.

So will I exercise on my way home this afternoon? Probably not, but I'm halfway there. I'm dressed for it, at least.

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