Friday, January 7, 2011

Questions, questions

You nknow, being unemployed gives you lots of time. Time to do nothing but watch all the seasons of your favorite show, time to watch bad movies with your family, time to eat Smarties and Kit Kats. But it also gives you time to think. Time to make plans.

My therapist and a good friend of mine say I should be using this time to find the real me, the essential Anne. I should be meditating or going to art shows, writing about my inner self and my wants and needs. Well, I have absolutely no idea where to start with that one. I have some wants, yeah, but so does everyone. It's ok to want. That's life. But is it reality?

I want to go back to school and get my masters. There's a program that would enhance my career, but it just looks so boring. There's a program that would stimulate my mind, but it wouldn't get me ahead in the world. It would just be going into debt for fun. Also, the other program would require me to move to the midwest. Nothing against the midwest, I just don't really have a yearning to live there.

I want mental stimulation. I'm sick of working and not being stimulated. I'm bored. I need something better. I have no idea what better looks like, though. I don't even know what would stimulate my brain. I suppose these are the things you find out when you look deep inside, but how do you even go about that? I have too many questions and no answers.

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