Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Drip, drip, cough

So not smoking is gross. I have post-nasal drip which is making me hack up all sorts of gross stuff and sound like I'm sick. I know it's just my body detoxifying and cleaning the cilia in my nose, throat, and lungs. I like that the body can clean itself. After 15 years of smoking, I expect this will take a long time. I'm trying to drink water, but it's coming in the form of coffee, as it usually does.

But the drip is making quitting easy. I have no interest in smoking when I'm sick, because I know it just tastes gross and makes the mucus worse. It's nice to have evidence of this from over the years. I always quit when I'm sick, anyway, so it's been fine.

I had a dream about smoking last night, and I was worried when I got up that I actually did it. It's like those booze dreams. I suppose it means I really am an addict. Normal people don't dream about smoking, do they?

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