Friday, May 6, 2011


Was just talking to Michael and he had some good suggestions. "You were working in that field but you hated it. You're too smart to have to go to work and drag yourself in to do the least amount of effort. That's bullshit. Why don't you look into doing something you at least like and let the financial stuff come later."

I was really only working for the money. Not that I was making much, but I found a career path and stuck with it only because I was making money and had the potential to make more. I was just working to afford rent and plane tickets. But why not do something I like to do. What do I like to do? Well, I like to study. I like to write. There's a program that looks excellent at a university near here, but it would be putting myself in debt for no financial return. The program would just lead to... I don't really even know. But nothing big. Academia, more than likely.

I might just do it anyway. I emailed the lead professor to see if we can get together and talk about it. I would really have fun with the program, but I need some sort of job anyway. I suppose I could live off grants. Live in the graduate housing block on campus. Not so bad.

The big shitty part is I would have to take the GRE again. I sucked at it the first time, and that was 9 years ago. There's an algebra section, which I will surely fail miserably. I failed algebra 4 times in high school, barely making a C to pass finally. I am notoriously bad at math. I really don't want to take the test. But I suppose it's a necessary evil.

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