Sunday, October 17, 2010

No kool-aid available

So the meeting wasn't really cult-like, so far as I could tell, but damn, it's like hanging with the popular people. It's really like going to a frat party without the beer. So strange.

Another friend in the program warned me about this group, so I'm going to keep my eyes and ears open for weirdness. I'm hoping to avoid that meeting from now on, because 400 people isn't my idea of a good meeting. I like them small and comfortable. I can't really deal with the big crowds. It just makes me anxious.

My sponsor has me going to stuff every night, which is fine, since I don't have anything else going on, but it's not maintainable. I hope she doesn't think this is normal.

Finally got a run in today, which helped with the anxiety. I didn't sleep at all last night, and got up at 2am to take a shower hoping that would help. It did, a bit, but I still needed a nap today.

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