Tuesday, June 29, 2010

God, grant me the serenity

God, grant me the serenity to not kill my coworkers. Grant me the serenity to accept that I can't change them and the way that they micromanage me. Please give me the courage to speak to them about it, and the wisdom to know what I can and can't change.

I've been saying the serenity prayer all day. There are some things in my life that are causing brain chaos, or as my friend Adam calls it, bees in the head. I've been thinking too much, obsessing really, over a lot of things. I just can't seem to help it.

Work is like hell sometimes, only it's cold in my office. Sometimes people just annoy you to no end. They try to control the things they cannot change, and work to manage processes that don't need to be managed. Sigh.

I'm also working on some personal issues in my head that require therapy. I've been talking about them, and getting some good things on the table, but the combination of all these things has me repeating the serenity prayer a lot.

God, grant me the serenity to not obsess over the things I cannot change, the courage to look deep into myself to see the things I can, and the wisdom to calm the hell down and just let life come as it may.

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