Monday, June 28, 2010

Half measures availed us nothing

You can't go into a program of recovery with one foot in and one foot out. Something like this, where your life will change in amazing ways, has to be taken on fully, with all your heart. Half measures avail you nothing.

And that's really what the third step is all about. Become willing to give it up to God and realize that you're not driving the bus.

Someone in a meeting the other day said he was reluctant to give up control, and his sponsor said this: "Paul, when you're flying cross country do you kick the tires and inspect the airplane? Do you see if the pilot has a license? Check that he's awake and able?" Paul answered, of course not. "Well, then you just get in the plane and trust? That's all you have to do with this step. Trust that there is something out there that will fly your plane, and that you don't have to know how it works."

I believe there is a God, whatever he (she, it) looks like or is, and that truly I'm not in control of my own life. When I was trying to control it all, look how I made it unmanageable? So let's let go and let God.

And that's step three.

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