Friday, July 2, 2010

Soulmates exist

I totally believe in soulmates. I think there's a person (or maybe 2 or 3) out there who will "get" you better than anyone else, and be best for your well-being. I believe that the relationship, as any, still takes work. They'll be fights, they'll be troubling times, but being as close as you can get means you can weather the storms better than other couples who settle for ok.

My aunt Sandi always told me, "never settle." Sometimes I didn't get what she meant, but I eventually saw that she meant don't set your sights too low. If you want to go to college, you can! If you want to get a good job that fits your passions, you can! If you want to date someone who believes in you as you believe in them, you can!

And that's what I think soulmates are. Someone who believes in you completely and trusts you. Someone who doesn't look over their shoulder wondering if there's something better coming.

I've found my soulmate. He doesn't know it, or won't admit it, and I'm not going to sit around and pine (ok, so maybe I do a little), I'm going to live my life to the fullest and hope he comes around. In the meantime, I may meet that other person who is good to me and believes in me as well. Who knows? We'll have to see how life presents itself.

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