Monday, January 10, 2011

Dreaming of a girl like you

Woah. I had a dream last night that I went out and did something and then picked up a six pack. I was walking home from somewhere and passed this familiar little kiosk area with an outdoor 7-11-like set up. I grabbed a six pack of beer, I don't know which kind, and put it on the counter. I also bought two packs of cigarettes, and not even my brand. I was paying when I woke up, but I distinctly remember having the conversation with myself: is this what you really want to be doing?

And I asked myself just that. Do you really want this? A beer? I'm not the biggest beer drinker, though I did used to enjoy them time to time, especially with burgers. But I told myself yes, I did want one.

And this was my horoscope for today: For Monday, January 10 -Being a joiner isn't for everyone, but you should consider aligning yourself with a group today. There are many perks you're missing out on, including the fact that seeing a group of diverse people on a regular basis will open your world to all sorts of exciting new stimulation. Seek out groups based around topics or issues you're interested in -- or a pastime you enjoy. Dancing lessons might also be a fun way to learn and exercise while you discover a new passion.

Does that scream get your ass to a meeting or what? I haven't yet, I slept the day away, but the day isn't over. I have to work now, but I get off at 8 and there's an 8:30 not far from here. We'll see if I have any follow through today.

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