Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting old is hard

Not that I'm old, or anything, but getting old is not for wimps. And that includes drinking when you're older.

"The reason is that older people metabolize alcohol more slowly, and they also have less water in their bodies. The result is that an adult who consumes just a few glasses of wine will have a higher percentage of alcohol in his or her blood than a younger person drinking the same thing."

Apparently that's why women can't drink as much, as well, because our bodies are less water than men's. Interesting, right? But they go on to say:

"The National Institutes of Health site says that people over 65 shouldn’t consume more than seven drinks in a week, and that they should have no more than three drinks on a given day."

Seriously? One a day, I suppose, is what they say helps with heart health (red wine, I hear), but three a day? That's nothing to me, but it seems like if alcohol is going to have a bigger effect on older people that it should be one or two a day. If one is going to cause you to be unstable on your feet, then two is probably dangerous. I don't know. Read the article and let me know what you think.

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