Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Veggies for your mind

Ok, I did find some articles:

The right nutrition can improve your mood, increase your concentration and improve your memory. When we're struggling with depression, bipolar or anxiety disorders, it's a challenge to maintain good eating habits, but the right foods can actually make us feel better! (List of good foods.)

I know when I'm depressed all I want to do is eat ice cream and Oreo cookies. Sugar always seems to make me feel better. But:

Depression can make you lose weight (ha!)and run short of vitamins which will only make you feel worse. Fresh fruit and vegetables are particularly helpful.

Vitamins are super important for health, and especially mental health. When we don't get enough to balance us out, we tend to get off balance.

Out of balance brain chemistry can lead to depression....Minerals are extremely important for nerve and brain balance. Fruits and vegetables contain the minerals, vitamins, enzymes and phytochemicals that our body needs everyday to create health.

Some articles say that depressives don't get enough folate, which is important for brain building in babies, so I'm sure it's important for brain health. So let's all eat more veggies!!

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