Monday, December 27, 2010

Packages, packages

So I'm officially out of one med, almost out of another, and I only have the third one because Michael gave me his supply. My meds are supposed to be here this week, and I really hope it's today or tomorrow. I have a withdrawal headache, and I don't feel as up as I usually do, but I'm not depressed or manic. I still have a few days of the antidepressant. I have the anti-psychotic. It's the second anti-depressant I don't have.

It's interesting that I'm on two types of anti-depressants instead of just a higher dose of one. Why is that? I wonder if I could go off the Lexapro and just keep the Abilify. I'll have to talk to the doc. Of course, the Abilify is more expensive, but I feel better on it. It's noticeable. I do get slightly manic, but only happy manic, not spendy or crazy manic.

I had to get four new tires this morning, and it only sort of made me want to cry. I'm really frustrated because it's half of an unemployment check. I just don't have the kind of money I used to have, and I can't keep paying this crap. I'm maxed out on one credit card, and half maxed on the other. And I'm only paying the interest each month, really. God. At least I don't have to pay my car or insurance till February because I overpaid so much last year.

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