Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Another great look into the genetics of drinking. They found that mice (again, poor mice) that were genetically bread to be impulsive (seeking quick rewards over delayed gratification) were more likely to drink, and to extreme. But here's the good stuff:

"Our data can clearly be extrapolated to humans and strongly suggests that impulsivity contributes to high alcohol drinking. Consequently, the diagnosis of any disorder associated with impulsivity, such as attention deficit disorder or bipolar disorder, is cause for concern about future problems with alcoholism."

That's right, us impulsive people are more likely to turn to alcohol. I am so impatient and totally impulsive. I like to jump, rather than think. When I have too much time to think I just get nervous and stressed, and I always go with my first instinct, anyway, so there's no point in waiting.

Ah, but I have to wait. There are things, like life, that work on someone else's timetable. Like this job. I just had another interview, this would be #4, and then they tell me they won't get back to me for two weeks. The lady I would be working for is out next week, so it'll be the week after. Argh! I can't wait to hear. I have so much to do. And I have a big event coming up at work, so the longer I have to get things done for it. Which is probably good, but I'm ready to not have it on my plate anymore. I like events, but my boss is impossible to please, and so it seems futile to try hard. Blech.

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