Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The young and the drunk

"The age at which a person takes a first drink may influence genes linked to alcoholism, making the youngest drinkers the most susceptible to severe problems."

I can't remember how old I was, but I remember being young, and standing on all the winter coats to reach up into the closet and pull down the Frangelico and the vodka. I tried them, and loved the taste and smell. I eventually drank my way through most of the closet, and because my parents didn't drink, they never noticed. I even asked my dad recently if he noticed and he sounded surprised and said no.

I used to keep a flask of Jack Daniels in my desk at school, and pour a shot into my diet Pepsi (It was Pepsi back then) during study hall. I figured no one could smell it, and no one ever said anything. Of course, I shared with my roommate. I was her supplier of drugs and alcohol. To this day I cannot remember where I got the alcohol in the first place.

So perhaps drinking so young is what got me in trouble in the first place. Or perhaps I'm genetically programmed to drink too much. Or perhaps I'm just a lush. Whatever it is, I feel better having stopped.

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