Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Poor little fruit flies

Last night my mom told me glaucoma runs in her dad's side of the family, but she doesn't know what diseases run in her mom's side, since they all died young of cirrhosis of the liver. Well, at least I'll probably avoid the cirrhosis thing. Now more good news: avid coffee drinkers and smokers have a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. Wahoo!

They have no idea why, and it's not the caffeine or the nicotine, but something else in these substances actually helps your dopamine live longer, which expands your life. Hooray! It's not like I was actually thinking about giving up coffee - lordy, that would be the day - but at least while I'm still smoking I can say it's doing one good thing for me.

I'm kind of sick of it. I smoke just because it's there, now, not cause I really want one. I don't know how to quit. It's just like alcohol! I just have to put them down. Jesus, if quitting booze had been this hard I couldn't have done it.

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