Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Come with me

I can't sleep. It's 4am and I'm just lying here, thinking about Adam. Damn him. He was talking about maybe going back into the service (he got out about 6 years ago) to become a doctor. I think he would be wonderful at it, and it would be a great career decision for him. But I would miss him. I don't know where they train doctors, but I'm sure it's like Germany or something. And then he'd owe another 8 years after training to the service. And I'm sure he'd end up in Afghanistan or North Korea (cause I'm sure they'll be a war there by then).

And I would miss him. I would want him to be safe, too, and I would worry about him all the time. I was just lying here thinking: what would he do with all his stuff? Well, maybe if I got a 2 bedroom (assuming I get the small town job, cause then I could afford it), and gave him a bedroom to put all his stuff in. I would start his car once a week to make sure it stayed ok, and keep his clothes and the dressers that I'm sure he'll never get rid of (though I hate them).

It's hard to be in love with someone and have them return it, but not take the reins and just be with you. He makes me crazy.

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