Monday, December 13, 2010

Rockin the pjs

Why are phone interviews still so nerve wracking? I mean, really, I'm going to sit here in my pjs with my hair all funky, probably before even brushing my teeth, and I'm going to put on my fake happy voice and talk about how professional I am. I might even still be lying in bed while it happens. So why am I up at 3am worrying about it?

Because I think this one sounds good. And because I'm always a nervous person. This job would be at a sober living foundation in the City, which would be great on a number of planes. I have always wanted to work in mental health, and that's about as close as I can come without being a therapist. I would be working for people who are trying to get their lives back together, and helping them do so by providing resources. How amazing. I'm always looking to work at a place with a great mission, and this one has it.

Also, I would get to move (again!) to a really cool place. I've never really given much thought to living there, but now that I'm thinking about it, it's pretty exciting. It's still close to home, and I have friends who live there or nearby already, so it wouldn't be like when I moved clear cross-country and knew no one. Although that was fun, too.

So I'm nervous. I'd like to get to know this woman a little and see if I could work with her. I don't know anyone who knows this foundation or the people who work there, so no go on the networking. I really don't want to take just another job, especially if I'm moving away from the security nest. I want a career. I want a place I can stay at least 5 years. How can you tell from an interview whether it's a real job or not? No idea.

My last job, I went in there with two pages of typed out questions I wanted to ask, and they all seemed to be answered satisfactorily. And look how that one turned out. Maybe I need a little help with the interview process. I know how to make myself look great, but how do I cut through their bs and find out who they really are? Maybe there lies the hub of my nerves.

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