Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In the snow belt

Just had another interview, this time in a small town in the middle of nowhere, but a good job, and a Director position. It's in the same town as my little cousin, and only one hour to family, and one hour to a big city. It would be CHEAP to live in, and the high end of the salary is what I was making before, so I would be able to save a lot of money.

Sounds good, right? I love visiting up there, and it has really cool old farm houses I could live in. Hardwood floors, fireplaces, lots of room. I'm looking around and I could even find a place with a washer/dryer for under $700.

But living in the snow belt and in a small northern town? I'm not sure what the dating situation looks like up there, but I'm sure it's a small pool - though one of the premier medical schools is there, and there are at least 5 colleges around. Not that I'm looking for a college kid, but that means professors.

It's something I would have to think about more, and this City job would let me know before I'd hear back from the small town job, anyway. So if I have a smaller number of options, I might just take it (if they offer it to me). We shall see.

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