Monday, December 13, 2010

Unemployment rocks

Apparently I'll end up just as satisfied with life after unemployment as I was beforehand. I really hope not. I'm much more satisfied with life unemployed. Sure, there are tons of hardships and life is really uncertain, but it's better than working in a job you hate and struggling to get up in the morning.

There's nothing worse than hating what you do. When you have to get up in the morning and force yourself not to call in sick, there's something wrong. When you lose your job and feel nothing but relief, there was something wrong there.

I knew the job was bad the moment I walked in. My first manager turned out to be a micromanager who treated me more like an assistant than the manager I was. She would walk past the filing cabinet to put something that needed filing on my desk. How condescending. My second manager was fantastic, but spent most of her time out of the office. And we all know how my last manager worked. Crazy old man.

So it was a total relief to get out of there. I had been trying for months to get back to this coast, and it seemed to be working. I was getting interviews, and had a really good prospect. But unfortunately, that fell through at the last minute.

So here I am, unemployed and feeling pretty satisfied with the changes I've made in the past year, and hopeful for a great start to the new year.

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