Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Give it up

"Through believing that a Higher Power can help, a man or a woman formerly eaten up with raging fear, anger, shame, doubt, guilt, and frustration may become calm and begin to grow spiritually by focusing on doing some simple steps, going to meetings, reading the Big Book, and talking to a sponsor."

Ah, those seven deadly sins. The fear, and anger, shame, doubt, etc. And frustration. My therapist and I were talking this afternoon about being in limbo. You're in that state where you're grieving over the past, looking to a bright future, but in neither of them. I feel like I'm there now. I've got that fear of the unknown, the shame in getting fired, anger at my situation, and doubt that it will all turn out ok. I'm trying to be really positive now about getting the right position, or getting a position in general. I'm trying to offer it up again: let go and let God.

I haven't been very good about that lately. I've been trying to just be peaceful about this whole process and try not to control it, but it's so hard to do! I need to just say, "God, this is all in your hands." So I'm waiting and hoping that the more I turn it over, the more I'll realize the promises. Things will get better once I hand it over.

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