Monday, December 20, 2010

All sorts of suicide facts

Some of these studies come up with obvious conclusions, but they're still really interesting to consider. People with mental illness are 12 times more likely to kill themselves (they don't differentiate in the article between killing oneself and trying). "The research found that the rate of suicide was highest in the first year following diagnosis (12 times national average) and that high risk persisted -- remaining four times greater than the general population ten years after diagnosis...."

It took me 7 years after diagnosis to try to kill myself, and that was a more alcohol and depression fueled go than just a depressive attack. Alcohol probably just made it possible where I'd only thought about it before. I read some study the other day to that affect, but I can't seem to find it now.

They also say the way you try to kill yourself (when you don't succeed) is an indicator of whether or not you'll do it again. People who try violent means are more likely to try violence again and succeed. People whose parents die by suicide are more likely to take their own lives. They don't say if the kids are more likely to do it the way their parents did, but I've heard of that before, and I tried in my mom's preferred manner.

Wow, this is depressing! Merry Christmas!

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