Sunday, December 19, 2010

A confession

So I have to admit to you, dear reader, I haven't been to an AA meeting since the week after Thanksgiving. Now, that's only about 2 weeks ago, but that's a long time in the AA world. And I don't have a sponsor to call and keep me on track. That's also a big no-no. I also haven't been running or doing much but sleeping and sitting on the computer. No wonder I'm depressed! So I think I need to switch things up.

Tomorrow morning I'm heading out for a run. I need to do 9 miles (which is going to hurt) to stay on track for my marathon training. I need to get on that, even though it's 36 degrees outside. I have the clothes for it, and I have a treadmill downstairs if I chicken out. There's no excuse.

And I should go to a meeting tonight, but I'm pretty sure I won't. Instead, I'll try to hit the noon meeting that's a block from here. I would have no excuse not to go, even if it snows.

So really, no excuses, I need to fit into my pants and fit back in the things that keep me sober. I need to start back again from the beginning and get back in line.

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