Monday, January 31, 2011

Syrup head is a great name for a band

Are your kids stealing your prescription meds and having "Skittle parties?" Apparently, prescription drug abuse by kids is on the rise and some people are claiming that kids get together and have parties where they share the drugs they've stolen from your medicine cabinet in order to get high. "The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reports that nearly 3 million teenagers and young adults (those aged 12 to 25) become new abusers of prescription drugs."

I don't think my parents were on any drugs when I was a kid, except for my moms thyroid medication. It never tempted me for some reason. I'm sure if I had access to other pills I would have thought about taking them. I was having too much fun with illegal drugs to worry about prescriptions.

Later on, of course, I discovered how much fun abusing prescription drugs could be. Need a good days rest? Take some Ativan. Have a test to study for? A little Adderall will help. Hell, Adderall is good for everything: from studying to partying.

I love this quote:
"a police officer or a drug counselor who asserts that the soirees take place or have heard young drug-heads talking about them. Given such stringent evidentiary standards, it's a wonder that preschool teachers aren't claiming that unicorns are real, too."

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