Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stuffing my face. Again

I.Can't. Stop. Eating.

It's killing me. I've been tracking on Weight Watchers, and I used up all my points by 6pm. What did I eat? Nothing bad for me. Oatmeal, a salad with a little chicken on it, a shit ton of bananas, a bag of broccoli and cauliflower, yogurt, some cheese, and some rolls. Nothing in there screams: I am full of fat and bad calories! But it's the volume at which I'm eating. I'm just constantly eating and eating, even when I just finish something I'm washing the dish and mentally searching the fridge for what I can eat next.

I took the Abilify tonight. Hopefully the Zyprexa will be out of my system tomorrow and I can show a little self control. I have no power over the urge to eat right now. I am powerless over food. Ugh. That's depressing.

I have to go out of town tomorrow until Sunday morning. I'm going where it's snowy and cold, and flat and boring: Ohio. I have nothing against people who live there, but it's one of the states I would never want to live in and sure as hell wouldn't visit on purpose. It's not a vacation kinda state. I'm going for a conference of sorts, that will be good networking for me. But they'll feed us all day long, and at this rate I'll be eating really gross and heavy foods in bulk instead of sticking with the good for you foods I'm eating now. I'm so hoping this insatiable hunger goes away before then.

I probably won't write on Saturday unless they have free WiFi at the hotel.

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