Friday, February 4, 2011

It's all Greek to me

"Akathisia, or acathisia, is a syndrome characterized by unpleasant sensations of 'inner' restlessness that manifests itself with an inability to sit still or remain motionless."

I told the doctor yesterday that I couldn't keep my legs still. "I'm moving my foot all the time." He said it was the Zyprexa, but I just looked it up and it's a side effect of the Abilify as well. So I'm twitchy. I can't keep my feet or legs still for a minute. I'm constantly swinging my foot or tapping my toes or stomping. It's weird, but kind of funny at the same time. It's like having a ton of nervous energy that I'm trying to get out.

I'm full, today, but I still want to eat. Why? Because I eat when I'm hyped up in order to calm myself down. But I'm trying to be better about eating so much, so what did I do? I had a Red Bull. I know, I know. I have a caffeine problem. I drink way too much of it, but give me a break. I've gotten rid of the rest of my bad habits. I don't even bite my nails anymore. Let me have my caffeine.

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