Friday, January 28, 2011

Forcefully awake

“'Why do we get out of bed?' Mitch wondered. 'Is there any feeling better than being in bed? What could possibly feel better than this? What is going to happen in the course of my day that will be an improvement over lying on something very soft, underneath something very warm, wearing only underwear, doing absolutely nothing, all by myself?' Every day, Mitch awoke to this line of reasoning: Every day, the first move he made outside his sheets immediately destroyed the only flawless part of his existence." -Chuck Klosterman

My eyelids are drooping. My body feels like lead. I'm dreaming about my nice, warm comforter and all the time I have between now and tomorrow morning to just spend in bed. I'm thinking about a nap. A long, hibernatory nap.

But maybe I shouldn't give in? I can't sleep till 1 when I get off work, and I'm supposed to play hockey tonight at 7, so I could nap before that, but I'm thinking about canceling play and just sleeping through till tomorrow morning. That's unhealthy. I need to develop a schedule and stick to it. No sleeping till after 9pm. That sounds about right, right? 9 is a good time to go to sleep, especially if you get up at 6. That's 9 hours, give or take.

I need to get myself to a meeting today, but I don't think that's going to happen. And my pants feel tighter today than they did yesterday, but I doubt I'm going for a run. But I need to keep myself awake, so both of those things would be the perfect thing to do. Decisions, decisions.

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