Saturday, January 29, 2011

A little dose'll do you ya

I found a handy little guide from the Mayo Clinic on side effects. You can click on each one and it tells you a little about how to handle them. Some of the recommendations wouldn't work - like taking a nap during the day, since most people can't nap at work - but there are a lot of good suggestions in the pages. And, of course, one of the suggestions on almost all of the pages is to get regular exercise.


I'm working on getting up the motivation. When I think about going for a run I just think how draining that is, when in reality a run usually energizes me. But all I can think of is the long, arduous process of getting ready to work out, working out, and then getting back into clean clothes. It's all too much for me when I'm depressed. It just seems so overwhelming.

But I have to do it. There's no way I'm going to let myself gain those 40lbs back. It took me a while to lose them, and I can't imagine having to face myself if I failed by gaining it all back. I recorded what I ate today on Weight Watchers, and there's nothing but yogurt, popcorn, cheese, and beans on there, but I still went over the calorie quota for the day. It's just all about volume. I can't seem to stop eating. I feel hungry and thirsty and like I need to chew!

But I have a lot of willpower. I just need to put my mind to this one task and get motivated by losing weight. I can do this.

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