Friday, January 28, 2011

So now I can sleep

I slept all afternoon and canceled an appointment I had tonight. I came upstairs and by 2 had determined I just couldn't stay awake. I set an alarm for 3 and laid down. At 6 I woke up to a text message and wondered where the hell the time had gone. I suppose my insomnia is cured, but I don't want to be sleeping all the time! I really wanted to go play hockey tonight, but I don't know if I could be upright for it. I just feel like I'm dragging ass.

And I can't stop eating. I'm just constantly shoveling things into my mouth, but it's all been good for me: yogurt, ciabatta bread with a little peanut butter, cheese, a banana. Nothing horrible, but the volume is what counts, I suppose. I can feel my jeans are way too tight already, so let's make a commitment to think more about going to the gym. I don't want to assign myself anything right now for fear that I won't be able to follow through because of the tiredness.

I also feel stuffy in the head. Just like a cotton ball is where my brain is supposed to be, but it's a wet cotton ball: dense. I'm having trouble reading articles that are too long because I just can't concentrate on the words for very long. I keep bookmarking stuff to come back to.

And all I want to do is lie back down. I'm sure I could fall right back to sleep.

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