Sunday, January 23, 2011

Divorce and suicide

You can continue to blame your parents.

"Adult daughters of divorce had 83 per cent higher odds of suicidal ideation than their female peers who had not experienced parental divorce.

The link between divorce and suicidal ideation was particularly strong in families where childhood stressors like parental addiction, physical abuse, and parental unemployment also occurred."

I think that last part is really important. Just like which comes first, depression or addiction, you have to wonder if people from divorced families have a higher likelihood of coming from families with previous addiction or mental health problems, which led to the divorce. So is it your nature or nuture? Genes or family? I suppose it doesn't really matter which it was that started the whole thing, the point is you know you're more likely to have problems, and so it's easier to be on the lookout for them. If you know it's coming, it's easier to catch it early, in my opinion.

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