Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friends make the world go round

Can I just have a little flip out for a minute? OH MY GOD I'M NOT READY! I mean, I'm ready to be home, but I'm not ready to leave these people behind. They're so important to me! They have made my life so much better! They have added an incredible value to everything I do, and they've loved me through thick and thin. They've been there to cheer me on when I do something, even when I do weird things, which I do. They've been my friends, lovers, co-workers, everything. These people I'm closest to are all banding together to help me move far away from them. Virginia is even making me my favorite cupcakes, as long as I promise to buy her KFC (It's next door. Sometimes the smell is enticing, sometimes repulsive.).

Michael. Michael was my first friend here. We've definitely had our ups and downs, but all in all, he's been a good friend. He lets me use his mom as a dog sitter, and he fixes my computer when I mess it up. He makes me go for runs even when I don't want to, even though I introduced him to running. He takes me out for Pho when I'm sick, and gets movies for me. Michael is a pain in my ass, but I'll miss him.

And Virginia. She's one of my absolute closest friends ever. She and Angela and I are like three peas in a pod. We're a gaggle of crazy geese. Virginia loves the world in a bright manner. She can be stressed, but underneath it all she always seems like she's doing just the very best she can. She tells me crazy stories and cracks me up. She's a hard worker, and an even better friend. And Virginia makes dessert all the time.

Angela and I are so different, but we have so much in common. She is one emotional lady, but that's what I love about her. She feels everything, and let's it out. She's not hiding anything. And her boyfriend is the best cook. He acts like he doesn't care, but he's the most protective father figure I've ever had. I think he might be the most upset one of all.

These are my people. These are the loves of my past 5 years. And I'll miss each one differently. And immensely.

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